The Mirror Reveals Varicose Vein Laser Treatment

“If you suffer from varicose veins a new form of laser treatment could really help”

A feature in The Mirror reveals the latest laser treatment for varicose veins. 

The problem of varicose veins is explained very simply:

“In healthy veins, blood flows back to the heart and is prevented from flowing backwards by tiny valves which hold up that column of blood and prevent it pooling in the feet.

“If these valves weaken or are damaged, the blood can flow backwards and collect in the vein, which eventually swells and then finally bulges under strain.

“That weakness of the valves in veins is ­probably genetic and if your mother or grandmother has them, then you are likely to get them too.

“Scans can discover how and where there are leaky valves but you can’t mend that weak valve, so you have to take away the vein that’s causing the problem.”

Traditional Varicose Vein Treatments

The Mirror reviews the traditional surgical treatment for varicose veins – ‘vein stripping’ – which was carried out under general anaesthetic. This was quite an invasive technique, requiring significant recovery.

Laser Varicose Vein Treatment

By comparison, the laser solution is very much easier, as the article explains:

“The modern way, thank goodness, is much kinder and less invasive.

“The vein is heated up with a laser so that it shrivels down to a fibrous cord.”

This procedure is carried out using only local anaesthetic. There is no surgical incision, the laser is inserted through a needle puncture. There is no overnight stay and patients can walk out of the clinic and there is no need to take time off work for recovery either.

Sadly, this solution has very limited availability on the NHS, generally limited to patients experiencing issues such as severe discomfort, ulceration and bleeding. However, private treatment is available at clinics such as Cosmedics’ London Vein Treatment Centre.

Read more in The Mirror.

Varicose Vein Treatment

Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private varicose vein treatment and see many patients who have been refused treatment on the NHS.

Their London Vein Treatment Centre offers EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

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