Varicose Veins – Hot Weather Advice

Varicose vein sufferers will have even more reason to resent the current UK heatwave, as hot temperatures can exacerbate leg vein problems. 

The body’s natural response to heat is for the veins to expand or dilate. This reaction is designed to regulate body temperature – delivering more blood nearer to the skin’s surface in order to lose excess body heat.  However, swelling veins can also cause blood to pool – a root cause of varicose veins.

For those who already have varicose veins, it is vitally important to minimise excessive heat, as this will cause veins to expand and this can make varicose veins worse both in the short and long term.

In the short term, varicose veins can look and feel worse on a hot summer day. The same applies to spending time in a sauna or a hot bath.

Once the veins may start to feel better; but if the veins have become further damaged they sadly don’t repair themselves; so varicose veins can certainly get worse as a result of hot temperatures. So a heatwave could cause both short term and long term damage.

Hot Weather Advice for Varicose Veins

  • The best advice is to avoid excessive heat as much as possible. Avoid sunbathing and being active in a heatwave. Instead it is best to stay indoors or in the shade
  • Keeping legs elevated can be helpful to stop blood pooling
  • A cool footbath can be very helpful to keep the leg temperature regulated. For severe varicose veins, a cold compress (e.g. cold flannel) can help to bring some relief


Varicose & Thread Vein Treatment

Cosmedics Skin Clinics’ dedicated  London Vein Treatment Centre offers EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein). This is a very competitive price compared to other providers and treatment can be arranged very quickly, avoiding frustrating waiting lists.

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Thread veins can be treated with sclerotherapy injections, micro cautery laser or Nd:Yag laser.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

Why Do Varicose Veins Come Back?

Recurring Varicose Veins

You would be forgiven for assuming that once treated, varicose veins won’t come back – but unfortunately, many do surface again after treatment. 

Varicose veins are a very uncomfortable and unsightly problem and patients who are able to have treatment will naturally hope for great results. However, that is not always the case. A feature in the Daily Mirror explains the issues:

“Beauty ed says: If your varicose veins have come back, chances are you’re not a lost cause, you’ve simply had poor treatment so far. I have a friend whose varicose veins have now come back four times, after both NHS and private treatment involving both laser and stripping.

“It’s only now she’s had a proper scan (unlike the cursory five-minute one before her last, pricey private laser op) and found out exactly why she’s not been fixed.

“The scan picked up a bunch of hidden varicose veins, including one from the pelvis, that hadn’t even been touched in the past. One vein had been treated, but only about a third of it had been lasered away, leaving a huge chunk behind so the problem was always going to recur.”

Read full feature at

‘Proper Scan’

A scan is absolutely essential to proper diagnosis of varicose veins. The latest duplex scans enable surgeons to see inside the leg and measure the flow of blood, establishing areas of venous insufficiency. A scan shows issues that are not necessarily visible at the skin’s surface, such as precisely which underlying veins or combination of veins have lost their valves and are causing the varicose veins seen on the surface and whereabouts on the vein the problem is, where blood is pooling rather than flowing freely.

Ensuring that the right veins are treated in the right place is key to getting a good long-term result. The veins are more likely to recur if they were not properly treated in the first place.

Poor Techniques

Some varicose vein treatments are better than others.

The NHS is often the first port of call for those few patients who qualify for treatment, but the NHS tends to offer traditional vein stripping rather than laser treatment (EVLA). Vein stripping has significantly lower outcomes than laser treatment and the veins are more likely to recur.

New Veins

Sadly even the very best best scans and treatment will not prevent new veins from becoming ‘varicose’ veins in the future. This is where preventative advice is essential after treatment. This includes:

Tips to Help Prevent Varicose Veins

  1. Watching your weight with a healthy high fibre/low salt/low fat diet
  2. Regular activity/exercise
  3. Avoiding high heels and tight hosiery
  4. Raising the legs intermittently
  5. Avoiding extended sitting or standing – move around regularly to keep circulation going

UK Varicose Vein Treatments

In the UK, EVLA is viewed as the gold-standards solution for varicose veins. EVLA stands for Endovenous Laser Ablation and the procedure uses laser to heat and damage difficult varicose veins so that they are destroyed.

At clinics such as Cosmedics’ London Vein Treatment Centre, EVLA is carried out on a day case basis and uses local anaesthetic. Recovery is very quick and patients are able to walk unaided to return home. There is no need for an overnight stay and patients can return to normal activities much faster.

Varicose Vein Treatment

Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private varicose vein treatment including EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Thread veins can be treated with sclerotherapy injections, micro cautery laser or Nd:Yag laser.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

Aching Legs are NOT a Normal Sign of Ageing

There is a view that aching legs is just something that happens with age. 

As we age, we’re very often not as fit and active as we were. We get tired more easily and would generally far rather sit than stand, given the choice.

However, aching legs are not something to consign to the ‘to be expected’ list of ageing ailments.

Sensations of tiredness and heaviness are NOT normal at any age. In fact, achy legs can be a sign of vein problems.

What’s more, vein problems do worsen with age if untreated as time, gravity and inefficient veins continue to make blood circulation more difficult in a worsening cycle.

Varicose veins are a common cause of heavy, tired and aching legs. These are caused by inefficient veins, so that blood pools in the leg instead of being pumped back up towards the heart. Pooling blood puts pressure on the veins, expanding the vein wall so that they swell. This pressure causes the achiness.  Not all varicose veins become visible, so it’s important to listen to your body and seek attention for aching legs.

Varicose vein treatment is available on the NHS, but tends to be reserved for those with varicose veins serious complications, such as sores, ulcers and difficulty sleeping. The NHS tend to use traditional vein stripping rather than the latest laser treatment (EVLA).

Varicose & Thread Vein Treatment

Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private varicose vein treatment and see many patients who have been refused treatment on the NHS.

Their London Vein Treatment Centre offers EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Thread veins can be treated with sclerotherapy injections, micro cautery laser or Nd:Yag laser.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

Understanding Compression Stocking Strengths

Compression stockings are designed to improve circulation in the legs by putting a ‘squeeze’ or pressure on the lower legs in order to prevent blood from clogging in inefficient veins and encourage circulation back toward the heart.

They’re commonly recommended for patients struggling with the heaviness and achiness of varicose veins, or recovering from varicose vein surgery.

But buying the right type of compression stockings can be a minefield. They’re sometimes a unisex fit and sometimes separate for men/women. In addition, there are a range of compression levels, or classes, with different amounts of Lycra or polyamide which vary the strength of the compression delivered.

There are 4 main compression levels and the strength of compression is measured in millimeters of mercury (mmHg).

Guide to Compression Stockings

Mild Compression (8-15 mmHg)

  • Helps maintain healthy legs
  • Relief for tired and achy legs, especially after long periods of sitting or standing
  • Relief for minor swelling of feet/ankles/legs
  • Useful during pregnancy to help prevent varicose or thread veins

Moderate Compression (15-20 mmHg)

  • Relief for minor-moderate varicose or thread veins
  • Relief for tired and achy legs and minor swelling of feet/ankles/legs
  • Useful during pregnancy to help prevent varicose or thread veins
  • Used in long-distance travel to help prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)
  • Used after sclerotherapy treatment to help prevent varicose veins/thread veins from reappearing

Firm Compression (20-30 mmHg)

  • Relief for moderate-severe varicose or thread veins, or swelling of feet/ankles/legs
  • Used after sclerotherapy treatment or surgery to help prevent varicose veins from reappearing
  • Helpful for ulcers or inflammations associated with varicose veins
  • Also used in long-distance travel to help prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Extra Firm Compression (30-40 mmHg)

  • The strongest level of compression for the most severe vein problems
  • Relief for severe varicose or thread veins and/or swelling of feet/ankles/legs
  • Used after sclerotherapy treatment or surgery to help prevent varicose veins from reappearing
  • Helpful for ulcers or inflammations associated with varicose veins
  • Also used in long-distance travel to help prevent deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Compression Stockings vs Surgery

Compression stockings are helpful for easing the discomfort and symptoms of varicose veins, but they won’t cure them. The only long-term solution is varicose vein treatment.

Now, the latest ‘laser varicose vein surgery’ is provided in private clinics on a day case basis using EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) which offers excellent results and fast recovery. There is no general anaesthetic, no hospital stay and patients can walk out of the clinic with the varicose veins gone.

Varicose Vein Removal London

Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal at their London vein treatment centre with a renowned vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual. Sclerotherapy for thread veins is available in a number of clinics with trained doctors.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

NICE Advice on Long Saphenous Varicose Veins

Long Saphenous Veins

‘Long saphenous vein’ insufficiency is the most common underlying cause of varicose veins, a condition which NICE says affects 20–30% of adults.

The ‘long saphenous vein’ runs from the foot to the groin.

When this vein becomes inefficient, varicose veins can occur. These are veins where blood is not efficiently pumped the right way, so instead it begins to ‘pool’. The extra blood puts strain on the vein, so it loses elasticity and starts to expand or ‘bulge’, therefore giving rise to the visible problem of varicose veins.

Varicose veins are not just aesthetic, other symptoms include pain, tiredness and even ulceration.

NICE recommend EVLA (Endovenous Laser Ablation) treatment as a good treatment option for varicose veins. The public guidelines say:

“Endovenous laser treatment is a method of closing off the long saphenous vein.

“The doctor puts a narrow tube called a catheter into the vein. Ultrasound images are used to make sure it’s in the right place. A tiny laser device is then placed through the catheter and is passed up into position at the top of the vein. Local anaesthetic is injected into the area, and the doctor then pulls the laser device slowly along the vein while watching the laser tip with ultrasound pictures.

“The laser is gradually pulled back until it reaches the place where it was first put in. The laser fires short bursts of energy as it moves along the vein, and this heats the vein and makes it seal up.”

For more information see

UK Varicose Vein Treatments

In the UK, EVLA is viewed as the gold-standards solution for varicose veins. EVLA stands for Endovenous Laser Ablation and the procedure uses laser to heat and damage difficult varicose veins so that they are destroyed.

Due to stringent NHS criteria for treating varicose veins and a tendency to offer traditional vein stripping rather than laser treatment, EVLA is still more generally available for private patients.

At clinics such as Cosmedics’ London Vein Treatment Centre, EVLA is carried out on a day case basis and uses local anaesthetic. Recovery is very quick and patients are able to walk unaided to return home. There is no need for an overnight stay and patients can return to normal activities much faster.

Varicose Vein Treatment

Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private varicose vein treatment including EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Thread veins can be treated with sclerotherapy injections, micro cautery laser or Nd:Yag laser.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

Is it OK to Run With Varicose Veins?

Running is a great form of exercise, but some wonder whether the repeated pounding of the streets could improve varicose veins or make them worse. 

Firstly, it’s important to remember that the main cause of varicose veins is for them to be an inherited condition. Another prime risk factor for varicose veins is being overweight – a problem which running would generally improve.

Will Running Make Varicose Veins Worse?

Strenuous exercise will make the body’s circulation system work harder. That’s why we tend to be flushed after a workout as the veins expand to lose body heat faster. Excessive exercise can therefore put a strain on a condition such as varicose veins, but that isn’t necessarily a reason to stop altogether as being inactive is just as bad, if not worse, for circulation problems.

The usual advice for runners is that it’s generally OK to carry on running with varicose veins as long as they are not causing pain or discomfort but to take a few precautions in order to avoid putting excessive pressure on the veins:

  • Where to run – the pavement can be quite unforgiving – try softer surfaces (grass, tracks etc) which absorb a bit more of the shock
  • Shoes – ensure running shoes have good cushioning and are in good condition.  Regular runners should expect to replace shoes every 300-500 miles. The tread may look fine, but once the cushioning is compressed, pains and injuries can start
  • Compression tights/socks – these can help the flow of blood back to the heart, thereby improving circulation
  • Intensity – listen to your body – if a very long or fast run causes the veins to throb or ache, then that is a clear sign they’ve been put under too much pressure
  • Avoid being sedentary – when not running, try to keep active. Move around every 30 minutes or so to aid the circulation of blood

If you have any concerns at all, it is best to see a doctor for an examination and advice.

Will Running Improve Varicose Veins?

Sadly there is no exercise which can improve varicose veins.

Being active is a good precaution to guard against them developing and regular exercise can prevent them getting worse, but as above, there are precautions to consider.

Once the varicose veins have started, the only real solution is a medical treatment.

Varicose Vein Treatment

Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private varicose vein treatment including EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Thread veins can be treated with sclerotherapy injections, micro cautery laser or Nd:Yag laser.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

Loose Women Poster Promotes Body Battles

Loose Women Body Issues

Ahead of a new TV programme, the Loose Women have bravely stripped off to reveal an honest portrayal of women’s bodies. 

The poster displays cellulite, scars, stretchmarks and ‘wobbly bits’ without any airbrushing in a photo taken by Bryan Adams.

The Loose Women have spoken about their various body hangups to help other women accept their body flaws in a poster campaign designed to promote the new Loose Women Body Battles show.

47 year old presenter Andrea McLean said:

“I hope people see the pictures for what they are; real women, not edited or airbrushed, letting their body tell their story. Since the shoot my confidence has really increased.”

While Birds of a Feather favourite 59 year old Linda Robson’s particular concern related to her legs and problems with visible veins, saying:

“I’m 59 and the only bit I like about my body is my nose. I hate my legs. I have big legs – me and my sister always have had big legs. I never get them out from above the knee. The tops of my legs are covered in red and navy veins.

“I hate having pictures taken of me in a swimsuit without a sarong. It upsets my kids when unflattering things get published. I also hate my breasts – they are so big and heavy.

“I never normally take my clothes off – even for my husband. But I’ve gone sugar free and I’ve lost 17 pounds – so I’m feeling better than I have in years. I’m far from body confident, but I think it’s really important to show these pictures to inspire all women to appreciate their body at any age.”

Read more interviews:

Leg Vein Problems

Many women suffer from thread veins on the legs like Linda and prefer to keep them hidden under clothing. Losing excess weight is always a good thing, but cannot improve veins once they have become inefficient, which is what makes them appear visible at the skin’s surface.

Knowing that it is common to have body issues such as veins can help break down the difficult body ideals so often portrayed by the media, helping to promote body confidence.

Vein Treatment Centre

Established in 2003, Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer thread vein removal at a selection of vein treatment clinics based in London using the latest techniques with GMC-registered doctors and surgeons.

Laser treatment is a very popular option for dealing with thread veins. It is fast and efficient, using laser energy to destroy the affected veins so that blood flows instead through other healthier veins. Sclerotherapy is recommended for larger thread veins on the legs or thighs. A special injection is delivered into the vein where it damages the structure of the vessel and destroys its ability to carry blood. The vein will then disappear and blood will simply flow elsewhere, leaving the skin appearing clearer.

For more serious varicose vein problems, treatment is available at the London Vein Treatment Centre with the latest EVLA laser treatment as well as micro surgery and injectable options; according to the nature of the veins.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.


TENS Research for PAD Leg Pain

A team at Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) are set to investigate how patients can use TENS and increased activity to relieve leg pain. 

The study will examine how the use of electrical stimulation can help patients to walk further, increasing physical activity and reducing health risks.

Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) affects  2.7 million people in the UK. The NHS define PAD as follows:

“Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is a common condition, in which a build-up of fatty deposits in the arteries restricts blood supply to leg muscles. It’s also known as peripheral vascular disease (PVD).”

The condition causes narrowing of the arteries and pain in the lower limbs which makes walking difficult and painful, reducing activity levels.

Previous research has already shown that TENS can reduce pain and increase the walking capabilities of patients. This research is hoped to build upon previous findings, by focusing on how use of TENS to manage the pain can contribute to overall activity and health.

TENS Pain Relief

TENS stands for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation and is a means of using electrical stimulation to manage pain. It is a system which is used in a range of medical requirements, including arthritis, knee pain, back pain, period pain and even childbirth.

Joint-Chief Investigators Dr Christopher Seenan (GCU) said:

“Regular exercise and physical activity are central to the management of PAD and help to improve walking distances and reduce the health-risks associated with PAD such as heart attack and stroke. However, exercise and physical activity in this population is often limited due to pain. The study will investigate whether TENS can improve the physical activity of patients with PAD when delivered alone and/or alongside a patient education programme.”

TENS and Varicose Veins

There are certain TENS devices which are marketed as being suitable for varicose vein pain and swelling. However, medical advice is that TENS pads should NEVER be placed over varicose veins and systems are not be suitable for severe varicose veins, so readers interested in using TENS for other venous leg conditions need to take great care and seek medical advice in case of any doubt.

London Vein Treatment Centre

Cosmedics’ London Vein Treatment Centre offers the very latest EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal at their London vein treatment centre with a renowned vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

This treatment has over a 95% success rate in treating varicose veins.

Cosmedics Skin Clinics

Established in 2003, Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer treatment for spider veins using the latest techniques with GMC-registered doctors and surgeons. They also offer advanced laser varicose vein treatment at the London Vein Treatment Centre.For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.


Vein Incompetence – “Hidden Varicose Veins”

Varicose veins are commonly thought of as being lumpy, enlarged, blue/purplish veins on the legs. Those are clearly visible varicose veins, but just as many people again are thought to suffer from ‘hidden varicose veins’. 

Up to 40% of adults get ‘superficial valve failure’, where the blood flow becomes inefficient. About half of these have classic varicose veins and half have ‘hidden varicose veins’.

‘Hidden Varicose Veins’ is another term for a condition medically known as venous insufficiency or vein incompetence.

In this condition, the veins are inefficient just as with varicose veins, but the clear difference is aesthetic.

With hidden varicose veins, the flow of blood is inefficient but the pooling of blood will cause aching, heaviness and discomfort without visible veins. However, this inefficient blood flow is a clear indicator of risk of future full-blown varicose vein problems.

When varicose veins become visible there will be an ongoing process over time for the veins to become larger and more twisted/lumpy looking. Other ‘later stage’ symptoms include inflammation, eczema and ulcers.

Diagnosing Hidden Varicose Veins

The only way of properly diagnosing hidden varicose veins is with a scan to see what’s happening beneath the surface of the skin.

The London Vein Treatment Centre offer a duplex ultrasound scan which uses advanced technology to show the direction and speed of blood flow within the veins.

UK Varicose Vein Treatments

In the UK, EVLA is viewed as the gold-standards solution for varicose veins. EVLA stands for Endovenous Laser Ablation and the procedure uses laser to heat and damage difficult varicose veins so that they are destroyed.

Due to stringent NHS criteria for treating varicose veins and a tendency to offer traditional vein stripping rather than laser treatment, EVLA is more generally available for private patients.

At clinics such as Cosmedics’ London Vein Treatment Centre, EVLA is carried out on a day case basis and uses local anaesthetic. Recovery is very quick and patients are able to walk unaided to return home. There is no need for an overnight stay and patients can return to normal activities much faster.

Varicose Vein Treatment

Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private varicose vein treatment including EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) laser varicose vein removal with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

They also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Thread veins can be treated with sclerotherapy injections, micro cautery laser or Nd:Yag laser.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.

Summer Shorts Expose Thread Vein Problems

The weekend of warm weather has seen the shorts come out for the first time this year, as temperatures remained steadily in the 20’s and even reached 25C in Cambridge. 

Exposing your skin to the sun feels good, but wearing shorts again may bring mixed feelings for those with vein problems.

Thread veins or varicose veins can remain hidden under clothing over winter, but when they resurface, it is often a shock to see how noticeable they’ve become. Unfortunately, once they’ve appeared, thread veins and varicose veins don’t get better on their own – in fact, they tend to get worse.

That’s why early summer tends to be a time when enquiries into thread vein or varicose vein treatment surge, as people prepare to ditch the winter layers.

Thread Veins and Varicose Veins

Thread veins and varicose veins appear at the skin’s surface when the veins have become damaged and blood can’t flow efficiently through them, so the blood pools. There’s a cyclical effect, as the pooling of the blood places further pressure on the damaged vein, so the pooling becomes worse.

Thread veins may be considered a largely cosmetic issue, affecting the way the skin looks but not causing any medical concern. Varicose veins, as they progress, can cause swelling, ulceration, eczema, pain, throbbing and a whole range of other unpleasant symptoms.

Thread Veins Treatments

Laser treatment is a very popular option for dealing with thread veins. It is fast and efficient, using laser energy to destroy the affected veins so that blood flows instead through other healthier veins. This is available in selected vein treatment centres as advanced equipment is required. Cosmedics’ London Vein Treatment Centre based in Putney offers the latest laser solution for thread veins.

Sclerotherapy is a treatment which gets rid of thread veins on the legs or thighs. A special injection is delivered into the vein where it damages the structure of the vessel and destroys its ability to carry blood. The vein will then disappear and blood will simply flow elsewhere, leaving the skin appearing clearer.

Thread Vein Treatment London

Sclerotherapy treatment is available at Cosmedics Skin Clinics based in London.

Varicose Vein Treatments

EVLA laser varicose vein removal is viewed as the gold-standards solution for varicose veins.

This procedure is is carried out on a day case basis and uses local anaesthetic. Recovery is very quick and patients are able to walk unaided to return home. There is no need for an overnight stay and patients can return to normal activities much faster. Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer private varicose vein treatment including EVLA (endovenous laser ablation) with a vascular surgeon with prices starting at £1,650 per leg (1 vein).

Other Varicose Vein Treatment

Cosmedics also offer foam sclerotherapy and micro surgery in order to provide a tailor-made service with the most appropriate treatment for each individual.

Cosmedics Skin Clinics

Established in 2003, Cosmedics Skin Clinics offer thread vein removal at a selection of clinics based in London using the latest techniques with GMC-registered doctors and surgeons.

For more information or to book a consultation, please complete the form on this web page or call 020 7386 0464.